Check out these websites for information on area agencies that offer social services. Please note: the library does not endorse these agencies. They are listed here as a private, confidential way for you to seek information that might be of assistance to you or someone you know.
Dial 2-1-1 for FREE, confidential, 24-hour information and referral assistance for:
Housing • Shelter • Food • Legal Aid • Clothing • Education • Counseling • Utility Assistance • Health Care • Transportation
CANI helps communities, families, and individuals remove the causes and conditions of poverty. CANI has many programs, including:
* CANI’s Weatherization Program provides free, energy-efficient improvements for the homes of low-income families. Improvements may include insulating attics, walls, and mobile home bellies. CANI also fixes heating systems, such as repairing poorly installed equipment or leaking heating ducts, and can repair some furnaces.
* Community Alliance for Healthy Families is a free, voluntary program in Allen County offering support services to families during pregnancy or shortly after their baby’s birth. The program provides in-home services to help a family develop a healthy and supportive family environment by building on their individual strengths.
* CANI is a proud member of Covering Kids & Families of Indiana Inc. (CKF-IN), a statewide organization committed to ensuring that all children and families eligible for Medicaid and the State’s Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) are enrolled.
The Center for Nonviolence on West Creighton Avenue provides education, support, and advocacy to end domestic and other forms of violence while modeling equality and power sharing.
Community Harvest Food Bank has a network of more than 460 member agencies in our nine county service area. These agencies range from soup kitchens, to pantries, and camps that help feed the hungry children and adults of Northeast Indiana.
Erin's House for Grieving Children offers our community grief support and education through bimonthly, on-site peer support Program Nights; in-school peer support programs; Teen Retreat- overnight retreat for 14 to 19 year olds; and telephone support for grieving families, friends and members of the community, as well as with other programs. Since opening in October 1993, Erin's House has served more than 10,000 individuals. Healthy grieving is not just important for the bereaved; it is important for the entire community. Research has shown that unresolved grief and the inability of a young person to cope with the death of a loved one plays a significant role in poor school performance, alcohol and drug abuse, depression, anxiety and an increased risk of suicide.
Fort Wayne-Allen County Department of Health MEDICAL ANNEX4813 New Haven Ave
Fort Wayne, IN 46803
• The HIV/STD Clinic offers confidential testing and treatment services. The clinic is openMonday through Friday 8 a.m. to 11 and 1 to 4 p.m. by appointment. The clinic takes walkinson Tuesdays and Thursdays. For questions or to make an appointment, call (260) 449-7504.
• The Infectious Disease Clinic/TB Clinic offers testing and treatment for tuberculosis andcontact investigations for other communicable diseases. For questions or to make anappointment, call (260) 449-7920.
• The Immunization Clinic offers immunizations to children two months to 18 years of age andsome adult immunizations. The clinic will be open 8:30 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m.Wednesdays and Fridays by appointment. For questions or to make an appointment, call(260) 449-7514.
Homebound Meals delivers meals at a low cost to adults who are homebound and/or disabled.
Catering to women and men experiencing unplanned pregnancy,
A Hope Center's services are geared to provide hope, help, and healing in difficult circumstances.
i-SAFE is a non-profit foundation dedicated to protecting the online experiences of youth everywhere. The goal is to educate students on how to avoid dangerous, inappropriate, or unlawful online behavior.
Kids Help Phone is Canada's only toll-free, 24-hour, bilingual and anonymous phone counselling, referral and Internet service for children and youth, but just because it's Canadian doesn't mean you can't visit their site! They have lots of good information on bullying, dating, family life, and other topics of imortance to you, so check them out.
Matthew 25 provides health care and dental care services to uninsured, low-income families in Allen County.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a website you can visit to get information if you or someone you know needs help. You may also call the free, 24-hour hotline at 1-800-273-8255.
The National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center has links to information on alcohol abuse, bullying, dating violence, depression, and school violence.
The Rape Crisis Hotline and the Sexual Assault Treatment Center have information
Rescue Ministries includes
The Rescue Mission for men,
Charis House for women and their children, and
Bargains Galore, our thrift store where donations of household goods are passed on to our residents with the excess sold at minimal prices to low income people in the community.
SCAN stands for Stop Child Abuse and Neglect. SCAN has two primary service areas: Prevention and Family Restoration.The Prevention programs include Healthy Families, The Network For Safe Families, and Community Partners for Safe Families. and Prevention Through Education. The Family Restoration programs include Home-Based Family Centered Case Management, Visitation Facilitation, Home-Based Family-Centered Therapy, and Home Maker/Parent Aid Services.
S.A.F.E. ALTERNATIVES® is a nationally recognized treatment approach, professional network, and educational resource base, which is committed to helping you and others achieve an end to self-injurious behavior. Self-injury is known by many names,including self-abuse, self-mutilation, deliberate self-harm, parasuicidal behavior, and non-suicidal self-injury. Visit the website or call 1-800-DONT-CUT (1-800-366-8288).
Turnstone Center for Children and Adults with Disabilities' mission is to 'enhance the lives of all persons with physical disabilities and their families'. If you are interested in learning more about Turnstone, please call or feel free to stop by for a tour.
Fort Wayne Women's Bureau offers three distinct programs: Women’s Business Center provides business counseling and mentoring, technical assistance, networking, and business-oriented classes and workshops; Transitions is a drug and alcohol treatment program for women and their children (up to age 10), offering up to an 18-month continuum of services including residential treatment and continuing care; Rape Awareness program, which includes a 24/7 rape crisis hotline and crisis and on-going counseling services for survivors of sexual assault, childhood sexual abuse, and domestic violence.
Youth America Hotline is the first and only toll free, peer-to-peer hotline network linking callers to community-based peer counseling hotlines in the nation. If you or someone you know needs help right away, you can call 1-877-YOUTHLINE (1-877-986-8454) toll free to talk to a trained youth peer-to-peer counselor.