Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

Okay, so you know the history of Earth Day and you've seen some tips on how to make the planet a better place. So now what do you do with all the stuff you're gonna recycle?

Not sure if you can recycle it? Don't know where to take it if you can? Visit Allen County Solid Waste Management's website to see a list of links with information, addresses, phone numbers, and everything else you need to know about local recycling.

Hoosier Metal Recycling on the north end of Ft Wayne Indiana, recycles nearly 10 million empty cans, copper wire, worn out washing machines, old grills and lots more. Hoosier Metal processes back into circulation well over 1 million dollars worth of scrap metal every month! Hoosier Metals is open Monday thru Friday from 8:00am to 4:30pm, Saturday from 8:00am to Noon.

National Serv-All has bins available for you to put out recyclable materials. Yellow bins are for hard food containers made of glass, metal and plastic. Brown bins are for fiber materials, such as paper and cardboard. Still not sure what goes where?

What to put in yellow bins:

Metal cans (food and beverage containers)
Aluminum cans and food trays
Brown, green, and clear glass containers (remove lids and discard)
Plastic containers #1 and #2 only

What to put in brown bins:

Newspapers, cardboard, and fiberboard (fold to fit)
Cereal boxes (no wax paper)
Phone books
Junk mail, ads
Mixed paper (computer, office, and copier)
Shredded paper

What NOT to put in yellow bins:

NO plastic or film bags
NO styrofoam
NO aerosol cans
NO window glass or mirrors

What NOT to put in brown bins:

Hard-bound BOOKS
NO three-ring binders
NO milk cartons or ice cream cartons

Need a bin? Call 747-4117.

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